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Friday, December 30, 2011

Werewolves RAWWR!

I got the pic here!

Today, I finally became a werewolf!  It takes a while to finish one of the quests, but it's worth it.  Being a werewolf means that (even when not in werewolf form) you are resistant to diseases, but you can't get a sleeping time bonus.  I never cared much for the sleeping time bonus but that might be a bad thing for some people.  To become a werewolf, you have to join the Companions in Whiterun.  Just simply do the quests they tell you to do until you join The Circle AKA getting turned into a werewolf because they make you become one in order to join The Circle.  Watch out though! Most people in Skyrim do not like werewolves and guards give you a 1000gold bounty so after you drink the blood of Aela the Huntress, you get thrown outside of the Underforge. I suggest run back inside immediatlely until the Beast Form wears off.

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