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Friday, December 30, 2011

A few basic tips

Tip #1)  When you are in a dungeon (or cave or whatever you call it), watch where you step!!  There are traps around every corner, especially where the Drougrs are.

Tip #2)  Whatch what you pick up. I know this is the most obvious one but you don't want to know how many times I got caught by accidentally picking up something in a store.  BTW I never get caught when I steal on purpose(:

Tip #3)  DO. NOT. MESS. WITH. THE. GIANTS. OR. THEIR. MAMMOTHS.  The giants will literally send you 300 feet in the air if you get hit with their club.  Don't believe me?  Go find one (look for a bonfire with mammoths around it) and run up to it.  But be sure to save your game first because you will most definitely die.

Got any questions or suggestions? Leave a comment down below!

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