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Friday, January 6, 2012


Sorry I haven't been able to post as often because school started up again after winter break was over.

In Oblivion, some horses were better at certain things such as speed. Unlike Oblivion, Skyrim horses have all the same stats except for Shadowmere (see below).  In Skyrim, all horses are the same breed, but they come in 5 different colors, each from a different city's stable.

Shadowmere is a special horse obtained from the Dark Brotherhood questline that can almost never die (unless it falls from a good height).  Shadowmere has more than 800 health but regenerates it almost instantly.  Also, unlike other horses, Shadowmere's eyes glow red. 

Frost is the other special horse that can be obtained from the quest Promises to Keep.  Frost has the color of a chestnut horse but has a little more health and stamina than regular horses.  The only real difference is that it's name is Frost instead of (character's name)'s Horse.

Black Horse-Whiterun
Brown Horse-Windhelm
Dappled Horse-Riften
Paint Horse-Markarth
Palomino Horse-Solitude

All horses cost 1,000gold and can have Horse Hide and Horse Meat as loot.

Got any questions or suggestions? Leave a comment down below!

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