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Saturday, January 14, 2012

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Money Glitch

Ah yes... The money glitch that will probably be patched in the next update.  There is a place east of Mount Anthor and southwest of the Shrine of Azura, which are high up in the mountains south of Winterhold.  You will find 3 skeletons there laying on the ground waiting for you to attack them or pick up some gold or armor lying around the place.  Once you attack them or pick something up, 3 skeletons will attack you but are super easy to kill.  On the skeleton on the table up the stairs, you will loot a book called The Doors of Oblivion.  Pick this book up, exit inventory, then look at the skeleton's inventory again.  GASP!  The book is back.  The book instantly respawns on the skeleton no matter how many times you pick it up.  I've picked up 180 in a row and it still works.  The book only has a weight of 1 but a value of 50.  Pick up as much as you can carry and sell it to a vendor.  Simple enough right?  Don't worry the hard part is just finding the place.

Notes: There is a dragon and a dragon wall at Mount Anthor.
           Just a few wolves and possibly a bear in the mountains but nothing you can't handle.
           Shop owners only have so much money to give you, so sell as much as you can then wait 2 days for
           their money to respawn.  You can see the amount of money they have and the amount of money
           they would give you at the bottom of the screen.
           I would advise you to get as many as you can due to all the videos on YouTube and websites that
           have let out this secret.  This will most likely be patched on the next update.
           Confirmed for XBOX 360 but I'm not sure about other systems.

Got any questions or suggestions? Leave a comment down below!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Sorry I haven't been able to post as often because school started up again after winter break was over.

In Oblivion, some horses were better at certain things such as speed. Unlike Oblivion, Skyrim horses have all the same stats except for Shadowmere (see below).  In Skyrim, all horses are the same breed, but they come in 5 different colors, each from a different city's stable.

Shadowmere is a special horse obtained from the Dark Brotherhood questline that can almost never die (unless it falls from a good height).  Shadowmere has more than 800 health but regenerates it almost instantly.  Also, unlike other horses, Shadowmere's eyes glow red. 

Frost is the other special horse that can be obtained from the quest Promises to Keep.  Frost has the color of a chestnut horse but has a little more health and stamina than regular horses.  The only real difference is that it's name is Frost instead of (character's name)'s Horse.

Black Horse-Whiterun
Brown Horse-Windhelm
Dappled Horse-Riften
Paint Horse-Markarth
Palomino Horse-Solitude

All horses cost 1,000gold and can have Horse Hide and Horse Meat as loot.

Got any questions or suggestions? Leave a comment down below!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Easy Money 2

I know that in my post "Easy Money" I said to steal instead of quest, but if you ARE a quester, this is the best money making technique.  You just go on random quests, loot everything you kill, and store it all.  Then, after you've done a few quests, look through all of your containers and items and sell everything you don't need or want, especially if you have duplicates of things such as armor or weapons.  Aren't we all glad that in Skyrim it's 10x easier to make money than in Oblivion?  1 Oblivion gold = 30 Skyrim gold.  That's probably why there's no such thing like the Scroll Glitch from Oblivion.

Got any questions or suggestions? Leave a comment down below!

Stormcloaks or Imperial Legion?

Both have their pros and cons. And I know I'm going to disappoint people with this answer, but it all just depends on your opinion.  I think most people would choose Stormcloaks beacause they seem more interesting because Ulfric killed the High King and he knows Dragon Shouts.  That's why I chose the Imperial Legion because most people won't choose this side because the Empire banned Talos worship and they are invading Skyrim.  Hopefully this helped some of you decide which path to take, even though it probably confused you even more.  Good luck making a decision!

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Yes, marriage.  Most people are probably wondering "What's wrong with Bethesda!?"  But the thing is that you get money and food from them.  They can make you homemade meals for free and they give you 100gold a day once they open their "store".  I call it a "store" because they don't actually open one.  They CAN sell items to you ONLY but they stay inside your house 24/7.

Notes: You can wear any Amulet of Mara as long as you talk to Marammal about marriage  first.
           Maramal can be found at either the Bee and Barb or the Temple of Mara in Riften.
           Amulets of Mara can be found in many places but if you can't find one, Maramal can sell you one
           for 200gold.
           No matter what gender your character is, you can marry any gender of NPC.  Example: Males can
           marry females or males.  Females can marry females or males.
           You cannot have kids even if you are married.

  1. Wear an Amulet of Mara
  2. Talk to an NPC that is able to get married
  3. Ask them to get married
  4. Talk to Maramal about a wedding
  5. Wait about 24hours to have your wedding at the Temple of Mara in Riften
  6. Your husband/wife will ask where you want to live.

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